Pics From Black Friday Ride 2

It was a perfect day to ride. The temperature stayed in the mid 50s, the sun was shining and the wind was somewhat minimal. Twenty-one cyclists ranging in all skill levels, wearing everything from denim to lycra took part in the second Black Friday Ride. We had riders from all over DFW – including Richardson, Dallas, Garland, Denton and Arlington. Some folks enjoyed Fuzzy’s Taco before the ride and some folks stayed after to enjoy a snack and some cold beer. We really enjoyed seeing everybody and thank you for coming out.

Photo by Joe Gregory
Photo by Joe Gregory
Photo by Howard Maher
Photo by Howard Maher
Photo by Howard Maher

BFR Black Friday Ride - Richardson Back Roads

BFR Black Friday Ride - Waterview Bike Lane

Photo by Joe Gregory

BFR Black Friday Ride - Custer Bike Lane

Photo by Joe Gregory

BFR Black Friday Ride - Enjoying Fuzzy Tacos