Federal funding for bicycling is under serious attack

This is a message from PeopleForBikes.org. Below is a link to an easy online form that helps you contact your local US Senators.

Federal funding for bicycling is under serious attack. Today or tomorrow, Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma will introduce an amendment to eliminate dedicated funding for Transportation Enhancements, which is the main source of funding for bike projects of all types. We need you to take action today by emailing your U.S. Senators to urge them to oppose and defeat Mr. Coburn’s amendment.

If Senator Coburn’s amendment succeeds, bicycling in the U.S. will become less safe and more difficult. Twenty years of consistent, cost-effective investment in beneficial bike projects will stop.

When we launched peopleforbikes.org, we promised you that we would only ask for your help when we really needed it. This is one of those times.

We need every U.S. Senator to hear from hundreds, if not thousands, of their constituents who value government support for bicycling. A strong vote against Coburn’s amendment will be a convincing statement of how much Congress and Americans value bicycling, and will influence all future votes on bike and pedestrian programs and funding.

Please email your U.S. Senators today and tell them to oppose Coburn’s amendment and preserve funding for bicycling. (You can find your Senators, review basic suggested text for your email, and send your note directly from this link.)

Thanks for your support and your quick response to this call to action.

Tim Blumenthal
Director, Peopleforbikes.org