Author: bfradmin

  • Getting Recognized By The City Of Richardson

    Well, not officially. But we did get a link on the City of Richardson web site. Click here to see. While your at it, you may want to shoot Dave Carter, Asst. Director of Development Services, Transportation and Traffic an email thanking him and the city for their efforts at making Richardson bike friendly. You…

  • Find Us On Facebook, Twitter and Flickr

    Yes we haven’t officially launched, but you can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. So, if you do any social networking or take great Richardson biking pics, please friend, follow and share with us.

  • Bike Friendly Richardson To Launch December 1, 2009

    I’ve been communicating with the folks over at Bike Friendly Oak Cliff and it looks like this is a go. We will officially launch this site on December 1, 2009. Until then, I’ve got to lock down a logo and come up with a game plan for moving forward. Meanwhile, I’m looking for volunteers. If…

  • Goals Of Bike Friendly Richardson

    Just had a few things in my head and wanted to put them down before I forgot. Here are my initial goals for Bike Friendly Richardson: 1) Follow in the parameters of Bike Friendly Oak Cliff to be a group of bicycle advocates promoting the creation of better cycling facilities and improved infrastructure in Richardson.…

  • Coming Soon: Bike Friendly Richardson.

    Carrying on the momentum and spirit of Bike Friendly Oak Cliff: We are a group of bicycle advocates promoting the creation of better cycling facilities and improved infrastructure in Richardson. Our focus is on the average commuter, and those wanting to ride for transportation and pleasure over sport. Bike lanes increase ridership. Ridership increases awareness.…