Wanted: Non-Sport Bicycle Advocacy Leader

I’ll be doing a write-up about the inaugural ride later. But first, I thought I would put forth a request to the Richardson bicycling public.

I have been called out by a person named pista on the DORBA bicycle blog that I am not qualified to lead this group of bicycle advocacy for non-sport cycling in Richardson. Quite frankly, I cannot disagree with him. As you’ll read in my DORBA post:

I challenge pista or anybody with the proper ‘experience’ to take the reigns and roll with running BFR – with my blessing and support. I only started BFR because I felt there was a need for non-sport representation in Richardson, and nobody else has stepped up.

My experience with road cycling is, admittedly, limited. You can read more about it on my other blog, Suburban Assault. However, I have been cycling for many years and I’m also aware of the concerns that many ‘new’ road cyclists have with gaining the confidence to start riding – mainly because I am newer to the road and I share their perspective.

To be honest, I’m not sure what experience is needed to start a group that wants to bring bicycle awareness to their town. Who decides that? I’m just a guy who wants like minded people to get organized and generate bicycle awareness.

Also, my goal with BFR is to not be a solo run organization. I welcome anybody who supports advocacy for the non-sport cyclist. I’m a facilitator hoping that those more ‘experienced’ folks can have a platform to build from. BFR can only be as strong as those who participate in the group.

The only prerequisite the folks at Bike Friendly Oak Cliff had for me to start up BFR was that I follow their same goals to support non-sport cycling. That has and always will be the goal of BFR.

I hope that everybody understands my intentions for BFR. I hope that it grows beyond me and that, in some way, I can say I was a part of something great.

Until somebody can step up, I’ll hold down the fort, do my best to not mislead and work as hard as I can to build the group.