10 Ways To Make Your Business Bike Friendly from Reuters

Image By Howard Maher

B-Cycle posted this link on Twitter, and we’re spreading the information over here:

10 Ways To Make Your Business Bike Friendly from Reuters:

1. Install bicycle racks in front of your business…more.

2. Participate in Bike-to-Work Week…more.

3. Offer cyclist discounts…more.

4. Keep a “loaner” lock on hand…more.

5. Use bicycle couriers…more.

6. Offer safe cycling training for employees…more.

7. Guarantee emergency rides home…more.

8. Make space available inside your workplace for bicycle parking…more.

9. Shower facilities…more.

10. Cash or in-kind incentives for bicyclists. Provide bike commuters with incentives equivalent to those you provide to other commuters…more.