Vote Yes For Richardson’s Future

There is a bond election happening in Richardson on May 8 (early voting is happening now) asking residents to decide if we should help fund 4 projects that will effect Richardson’s future.

From the City Of Richardson site:

The sale of the bonds would be used to complete 32 identified projects ranging across the City. Among the most notable is construction of a new recreation center to be built in the Heights Park neighborhood along with the replacement of the public pool, a $3.7 million plan to replace 4.8 miles of alleys in several neighborhoods, construction of City of Richardson signs at City gateways along major roads and the replacement of Fire Station 4 near Huffhines Park.

If voters approve all of the propositions, then the measures would be supported by a six cent tax increase to support financing for the bonds. That would have about a $110 annual impact on the average homeowner in Richardson.

As you can see, this doesn’t come without a cost to Richardson homeowners. However, that cost is minimal compared to the great investment into the future of our city. We need to be proactive in keeping our city updated and livable, while making it a desirable location for north Texas families.

Although all are important, Proposition 2 stands out for us at Bike Friendly Richardson because it includes a new trail:

Proposition 2 would allow the City to utilize $2.5 million in funding from Dallas County to extend the Central Trail. The work would stretch from the south City limits along the DART rail line to Arapaho Road. The project includes the creation of a storm water drainage system from Main to Phillips Street, which would be paid for by the City, allowing the County to fund construction of the trail…

The trail along the DART rail between Arapaho and the south of the city is a much needed link for bike riders. Although we have the Grove Road bike lanes, the DART trail becomes a more complete connection between rail stations.

Read this pdf and go to for more information about each proposition. You can also find a great pro-proposition post on Richardson Echo. Don’t forget to vote.