Pics From Today’s Trail Dedication

Today, we went to the Cottonwood Trail Esplanade Dedication. For the first time, we were able to see the new addition to the Dallas County trail system and we were VERY impressed. The design and construction of the esplanade is a masterpiece of landscape architecture that we are very fortunate to have in our county.

The Cottonwood Creek Trail is a four mile connection between the Preston Ridge Trail and the White Rock Trail that will allow safe passage under the High five interchange. You can find more information at

This trail is very significant for Richardson pedestrians and cyclists because it shows that city planners were thinking about a complete solution when they designed and constructed the High five interchange. It shows that these planners care about creating a livable city for everybody.

Mary Poss – Former Dallas Mayor Pro-Term

The dedication was nice as well. It was led by Dallas city officials including Mary Poss, Maurine Dickey, Linda Koop and Jerry Allen.

Mayor Gary Slagel, Michael Massey (Director of Parks & Recreation) and several other Richardson officials were in attendance  as well. I was also glad to meet some friends of Bike Friendly Richardson.

Click here or on any of the pics to see the whole set.

Representation From Richardson