Urban Velo Helps You Get Organized For Events

We always love reading Urban Velo magazine, and this month’s issue (20) was found to be even more useful to us. They’ve published a really informative article sharing “9 Tips For A Successful Bike Event.” Having organized and stressed over a few events for BFR, we can totally relate. We will definitely use this information for future gatherings.

To tease the article a bit, here are the tip titles. You’ll need to pick up (or download) an issue and jump to page 78 to get the details.

1 ) Promote The Damn Thing
2 ) Do Your Homework
3 ) Communication Is Key
4 ) Location, Location, Location
5 ) Volunteers
6 ) Prizes
7 ) Bread & Water
8 ) The Ups and Downs of Booze
9 ) Safety First, Not Last

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