2011 Dallas Bike Plan: Bikeway System Draft Network Maps now available online!

Here’s some exciting information from our neighbors to the south.

From their email:

On September 23, 2010 over 200 people participated in our second public meeting at Dallas City Hall. At this meeting, the maps showing the proposed draft network and facility type recommendations for the Dallas Bikeway System were presented.  We received a lot of great feedback that will help improve the Bikeway System Master Plan, and the period for further public comments on these draft maps will end at 5PM CDT on October 15th, 2010.  For your convenience, the draft maps have been added to the Dallas Bike Plan website.

To view and download the maps, as well as other materials from the public meeting, please click on the following link or paste the web address into your internet browser: http://dallasbikeplan.com/maps.

In just a few days a comments function will be added to the website where you can provide us with your thoughts and reaction to the proposed bicycle facility recommendations, bicycle network alignments.

The 2011 Dallas Bike Plan Project Team thanks you for your patience and continued participation!