Speak Up Richardson Cyclists

Route Artifact 0062

We’re having a lot of fun with the Bike Friendly Richardson blog, and we’ve gotten a few good suggestions and comments along the way. One of our goals with BFR, especially this year, was to bring in more voices for Richardson bicycling. If you have something to say about biking in Richardson (or any of our neighboring towns), please feel free to write something up and send it our way. We’ll probably post it.

If you would like to participate more regularly, contact us through email or phone, and we’ll see about setting you up as a guest blogger.

We welcome any ideas, tips, suggestions, opinions and constructive criticism that are geared towards biking in Richardson. Please remember that as much as well love all aspects of bicycling, we’d like to concentrate our focus on increasing the ridership of the average commuter, and those wanting to ride for transportation and pleasure over sport.