OCBC Hosts: Bike Bingo Adventure Race – Sunday, April 3 at Noon

Our friends to the south are hosting the Bike Bingo Adventure Race this weekend. From their site:

The OCBC BikeMS team is raising money to ride from Frisco to Fort Worth April 30–May 1.

Join us for our Bike Bingo Adventure Race fundraiser on Sunday, April 3, from 12 to 2 at Eno’s. Show up and register at 12. Get your bike bingo card at 12:45. Ride to local Oak Cliff spots, look for clues, and text in the secret phrase. Be back by 2. Prizes will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-place winners. Minimum suggested donation to support our MS cause: $10 per rider. This is a family-friendly event. It’s not just about speed—it’s about strategy, wit, enjoying Oak Cliff, supporting a good cause, and just getting on a bike and having fun. Wear a helmet. You can ride as a team or an individual. Don’t forget to get a $10 raffle ticket for your chance to win a 53cm or 55cm 2011 Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Sora.


So come head on down to Oak Cliff this Sunday, have a great ride and help support a good cause.