B-Cycle – Bike Sharing Might Come To Fort Worth

Image © B-Cycle. Please Visit Their Site

The folks over at Fortworthology have a great report on the possibility of bike sharing coming to Fort Worth. You should really check it out.

B-Cycle is a bike sharing service that is making it’s way across the country – giving communities an alternative mode of urban transportation that’s inexpensive, healthy, fun and environmentally friendly. Cities like Denver, Boulder, Chicago and even San Antonio have already started using this system. Hopefully, it will make it’s way to north Texas.

Since Richardson isn’t large enough to justify a system like this, we hope that Dallas would consider pairing up B-Cycle with it’s new 2011 Bike Plan. How cool would it be to ride your bike and lock it up at the DART Red Line station, catch a train to downtown, and have another bike waiting for you when you arrived at the West End? If you’ve ever tried bringing your bike on the train during rush hour, you’d really appreciate a bike sharing system.

We can only hope.

Image © B-Cycle – Please Visit Their Site