I Bike Richardson – Jason Sprouse

It’s time for another installment of the I Bike Richardson series, where we put a face on Richardson cyclists. We’d like to introduce, Jason Sprouse. He took the time to answer a few questions about biking. Enjoy:

Jason Sprouse


How long have you been riding?
I’ve been biking for about two years now.

How often do you ride?
Everyday, for fun and commute.

What’s your favorite route?
I really like being able to jump on the DART rail and going to different trails near the DART service areas. There are so many great trails all over the place, but one of my favorites is definitely Gatalyn Park. I’ve ridden many trails all over Richardson. Another one of my favorite routes is the Cottonwood Trail down throught the High Five corridor and out towards White Rock lake.

Why do you cycle?
I bike for exercise mainly, but it’s fun slowing it down a bit and learning about all the natural ammenities in the DFW area.

What is your perspective on riding – in general or in Richardson?
Richardson has some of the best bike paths in Dallas. There’s really alot of really cool places to see.

Tell us about your bikes.
Trek 7300 and before that I had a Trek 3900.

We want to thank Jason, for sharing his perspective on Richardson cyling.

We’d also like to extend an invitation to any cyclist who lives and/or rides in Richardson to share their story as well. You can either answer the questions (above) or send in a story – along with some pics to bikefriendlyrichardson(at)gmail.com.