Accommodating cyclists is a Near Term Action Item of the Richardson City Council

I’m signed up for the Week In Review email sent out by the city of Richardson every Friday. From the September 16th email:
“City Council Discusses Near Term Action Items
The Richardson City Council continued discussion on its 2011-2013 Near Term Action Items at its meeting Monday night. The Council reviewed the latest revisions and suggested several changes, additions and deletions. Among the top items proposed are: a charter review to evaluate the selection of Mayor, finding ways to make Richardson more accommodating to bicyclists, and enhancing signage and making other improvements to make City Hall more customer friendly.
The Near Term Action Items have been discussed at previous meetings and are on the agenda for next Monday’s work session. The Council hopes to officially approve them at the September 26 Council meeting.”

If you have any ideas to share with the Council about how to continue to accommodate and attract cyclists, the city’s website says that:

“The City Council holds business meetings on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Work sessions are held every Monday at 6:00 p.m. Citizens are welcome to attend Council meetings and may speak during the visitor’s section. Citizens also may attend work sessions and speak to the Council during the visitor’s section (promptly at 6 p.m.) on weeks when there is not a business meeting at 7:30 p.m.”

Alternatively, you can write a letter to the City Council. Letters and speeches regarding Council agenda items become part of the public record and may be accessed on the City’s website as part of the agenda packet posted after each Council meeting or work session.

Personally, I feel that the City of Richardson has been very proactive and responsive in terms of understanding our needs and implementing MUP trails and bike lanes. Two of the essential items for making cyclists feel welcome are safe routes to get where they’re going, and a secure place to lock a bike up when they get there. The City seems very aware of and responsive to the first item. Towards the second item, it would be great if the City could offer incentives or partner with local businesses to offer more secure bicycle parking options. It would make it a lot easier for cyclists to do more errands, dining out, commuting to work, etc. by bike if there were more secure parking facilities for our bikes.  Those are my 2 cents – please feel free to post your ideas in the comments and let the City Council know.