2 Mile Radius

By Jenny Rilling

Richard’s post over at Suburban Assault of the League of American Bicyclists “Bicycling and Health” infographic reminded me to share a handy map radius tool that I sometimes use for work. As the infographic says, 70% of American’s car trips are under two miles. Many times, these 2 mile and under car trips could be replaced with biking.

Here is a picture of a circle with a 2 mile radius around my neighborhood of Highland Terrace:

Here’s a list of some destinations that fall within the circle:

  • Kroger
  • Convenience Store
  • Beer store
  • DART stations
  • Walgreens
  • Post Office
  • Branch of the bank I use
  • Target
  • Petco
  • Library, City Hall
  • Recreation center
  • Richland College
  • Starbucks, Cafe Brazil
  • Half Price Books
  • Several restaurants
  • Chinatown
  • Car repair places
  • Hardware stores & plant nurseries

Lots of good stuff there! Here’s a link to the map tool if you want to find out what areas are within 2 miles of your home or workplace:



One response to “2 Mile Radius”

  1. GREAT POST, Jenny!! For my 2-mile radius I have these places near me:

    DART station
    2 Starbucks
    Several restaurants
    Several grocery stores
    Several convenience stores
    Nature preserve
    Half Price Book Store
    Hardware store
    Harbor Freight
    Video rental store
    Beer store
    Bike shop
    Several doughnut shops
    Water park
    and much more…