Some Exciting News


Bike Friendly Richardson is pleased to announce that we have just submitted the application to have Richardson considered for a Bicycle Friendly Community designation!

This was an idea that we had had for a while and last November, Jenny Rilling took it on as a project. With the help of City staff, we made it happen. The Bicycle Friendly Community program is administered by the League of American Bicyclists. With all the bicycling improvements in recent years, and more to come, it was time to throw our hat in the ring. Not every application receives the Bicycle Friendly designation, however, the LAB staff generously provide feedback to each applicant to help them do better next time.

This is our first time submitting the application, so we don’t know how we’ll do, but we are proud of how far we’ve come, and we’re looking forward to getting feedback on where we can improve. Currently only three cities in Texas have received the Bicycle Friendly Community designation: Austin, San Antonio, and The Woodlands.

We’d like to recognize the following people without whom this wouldn’t be possible:

Richard Wezensky and Jenny Rilling with Bike Friendly Richardson

Dave Carter, the City’s Bicycle Coordinator and Assistant Director of the Transportation Department

Jessica Shutt and Mark Titus in the Transportation Department

Jim Lockart and Jim Dulac at the City

The Richardson City Council, Parks Department, Police Department

And of course, all the BFR friends and everyone out there who said, “Hey, we should improve biking in Richardson”, and everyone out there using the bike trails, bike lanes, and roads and having fun and trying to continually improve things for cyclists.

Thanks, everyone, for all you do. See you out there on the road!

-BFR Staff