Ride To Dallas’ First Ciclovia – This Saturday

A couple of us are volunteers for the Ciclovia de Dallas – happening this Saturday, April 14 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm., and we’re heading down there by DART and bike. Our goal is to arrive at 8:00 (an hour before it actually opens) to help set up. Click here for more information about Ciclovia de Dallas.

Anybody is welcome to join us. IF you want to volunteer, click here to sign up. OR, If you just want ride with us, then tool around downtown Dallas for an hour until it opens, you are more than welcome to do that as well.

Here are the details of the RIDE:

Date: Saturday, April 14, 2012
Time: 7:30 am (ride start)
Location: Starbucks at Mockingbird Station (in Dallas) – we decided to meet there so that we can stagger onto the train and not overcrowd it. From there, we’ll be taking the Katy Trail into downtown Dallas.
DART Train Info:  According to the DART schedule for Saturday, the 7:00 am train, from the Bush Turnpike Station, will get you down to Mockingbird Station by 7:24 am. Be sure to be at your local DART station of choice by 7:00 am. $4 should cover your train ride (be sure to give yourself enough time to buy your ticket).

If you miss your train or just don’t like to get up that early, you are more than welcome to follow our route on your own. Click here to see our route.