I Bike Richardson – Bethany Sauls

It’s time for another installment of the I Bike Richardson series, where we put a face on Richardson cyclists. We’d like to introduce Bethany Sauls. She took the time to answer a few questions about biking. Enjoy:

Bethany Sauls

How long have you been riding?
I have been riding for 5 years. I got into a car accident back then and realized how scary cars are. When I ride I am alert, aware, appreciative, and more alive than I ever was behind the wheel.

How often do you ride?
I ride everyday. My bike (chi chi) is my transportation. If I need to go somewhere I have to make sure my body wants to go to, haha.

What’s your favorite route?
I just moved here so I’m still figuring that out.

Why do you cycle?
I bicycle because I love it. It’s cheap. It’s keeps oxygen pumping through me. It wakes me up. I can’t hurt anybody with it. Ultimately though, it helps keep me grounded. When your’e surrounded by nature or cars you realize not only how beautiful things are around you but how utterly mortal you are. It’s good to be humbled like that.

What is your perspective on riding – in general or in Richardson?
Drivers still seem a bit uncomfortable with the idea of sharing the road with me but they usually are overly cautious which I can appreciate.

Tell us about your bikes.
I have one. She’s an old ladies schwinn. She whines a lot but is determined just like me. haha.

We want to thank Bethany, for sharing her perspective on Richardson cyling.

We’d also like to extend an invitation to any cyclist who lives and/or rides in Richardson to share their story as well. You can either answer the questions (above) or send in a story – along with some pics to bikefriendlyrichardson(at)gmail.com.