Reveal The Path Movie – Coming To North Texas

It’s here! Reveal the Path is officially in theatrical distribution. Now you can experience the new bike film on the big screen, right here in north Texas. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the movie, you can learn about it here.

A visually stunning adventure by bike: Reveal the Path explores the world’s playgrounds in Europe’s snow capped mountains, Scotland’s lush valleys, Alaska’s rugged coastal beaches and Morocco’s high desert landscapes. Ride along and get lost in the wonders of the world… Meet the locals living modest yet seemingly fulfilling lives, leading us to question what it means to live an inspired life – however humble or extravagant. Filmed across four continents and featuring Tour Divide race legends, Matthew Lee & Kurt Refsnider, this immersive film is sure to ignite the dream in you.

Join in as the creators of Ride the Divide take you on an adventure that will leave you with an eager desire to chart your own course to far away lands or simply to discover with eyes wide open what’s right around the bend.

Being big fans of Ride the Divide, we couldn’t wait for the release of this movie. According to their screenings page it will be be playing at the Palace Arts Center in Grapevine on Thursday, June 14, 2012 at 7:00 pm. Looks like the filmmakers will be attending along with live music by soundtrack artist Shaggy Mane. Tickets are $15, which is pretty reasonable for a movie and live music concert. Tickets can be purchased in advance.

Here’s the trailer.
