Pics From The North Texas Vintage Bicycle Swap Meet – Garland

Yesterday, we drove out to Garland, Texas to check out the North Texas Vintage Bicycle Swap Meet – sponsored by Don Johle’s Bike World and Rat Rod Bikes. I love bike swap meets because they’re clearing houses for bike hoarders – my kind of people. Fortunately, my wife always comes along and brings me back to reality. Otherwise, we would have a garage full of bikes and no money to pay the mortgage.

Instead, I satisfy my vintage bike addiction with my hoards of photographs. Here are a few (click here to see the set).

We did discover a great new (to us) bike shop. While at the swap meet, we popped into Don Johle’s Bike World to check it out. It was a small, run-down, mom & pop type establishment with an odd mix of road bikes, BMX bikes, mountain bikes, and cruisers – as well as a few cool vintage restorations (mostly BMX). What won us over was the really friendly staff, who you could tell, really loves bikes.

We also ran into couple of BFR friends: Jonathan Braddick from Bike Friendly Oak Cliff as well as Jonathan Guzman from the bike blog: A Bicycle’s Point Of ViewHere is a great write up that Jonathan Guzman did for the Swap Meet.

Lil' Tiger


Line Up


