New Bike Lanes On Canyon Creek Drive

The City of Richardson does it again. We now have some new bike lanes on Canyon Creek Drive, along with some newly repainted bike lanes on Yale Boulevard. As usual, we are grateful that the city has been doing this for cyclists. These are also great for calming traffic through these neighborhoods as well.

Here are some pics:

Most of the route is painted with a nice buffer between bikes and traffic, yet wide enough to keep riders out of the gutter.

Bike Lane With Buffer - Win

Bike Lane With Buffer

Bike Lane Canyon Creek Drive

Unfortunately, because these go through residential streets, accommodations were made to give homeowners space to park in front of their houses. This will put cyclists in the ‘door zone’. Please, proceed with caution in these lanes and always know that you are allowed to leave the bike lane if you choose. Travel in the bike lane is not required – just a benefit.

Bike Lane Shared With Residential Parking

Bike Lane In Door Zone