National Bike Challenge – FINAL LOCAL RESULTS

For those of you who didn’t know, there was a National Bike Challenge hosted by EndomondoThe League of American Bicyclists and  Bikes Belong. From May 1 through August 31 they’re tried to get as many riders as they could to ride 10 million miles – which was achieved nationally.

They’re also did regional challenges, putting small teams of 10 riders in friendly competition with each other for points and miles. BikeDFW hosted our local challenge.

We are proud to report that Bike Friendly Richardson had two teams participate in our region and both did very well. BFR team 1, who started at the beginning of the challenge, ended up taking 5th place in points (based on miles and amount of rides) in the region. Not only did we rank in the top 10, but we also had the most “transportation” (as opposed to sport/recreation) distance – topping out at over 7,111 miles. This is something that we are extremely proud of.

BFR team 2 also did really well – even working against the odds. Although team 2 got a really late start, with half the members, we still managed to make it to 22nd place. Not bad in a region with 40 teams. Also, 97% of team 2’s miles were for ‘transportation’.