Pics From The BikeDFW Fall Meetup

BikeDFW Meeting

Last night BFR attended the BikeDFW Fall Meetup at REI in Dallas. It was a room full of bike fans and advocates, who came to listen to some great presentations from Dave Carter, from the City of Richardson and Julia McCleeary from the City of Fort Worth. Both cities are leading the DFW Metroplex with strong bike plans that are actually underway.

You can read more about the event on the Bike Friendly Garland Blog.

Here are some pics from the meeting. Click here to see the set.

BikeDFW Meeting

BikeDFW Meeting

BikeDFW Meeting

BikeDFW Meeting

BikeDFW Meeting

BikeDFW Meeting

BikeDFW Meeting

BikeDFW Meeting

BikeDFW Meeting