Bicycling Goals For Richardson – 2014


What do you think the 2014 Bike Goals for the City of Richardson should be? Please post your ideas that would help improve biking in our city – and would cost little to nothing out of their budget. We’ll see if we can politely bring them to their attention.

I’ll start:
Safe Passing Ordinance. They passed it in Plano and a few other north Texas towns, so it makes sense for Richardson.
Keep Public Trails Open Longer. Figure out a way to open the Owen’s Trail for pedestrians and cyclists through the Sherrill Park Golf Course for much longer hours – 24 if possible
Safer Intersections Along Bike Routes. An example would be to turn the intersection at Melrose and Custer into a 4-way stop.
Bike Parking Ordinance. Require new construction to include bike parking. OR, at least, offer good incentives for developers to add them to their plans.