Category: BFR Misc
The Weather Just Keeps Getting Worse
But Howard is still representing BFR on his mailbox. By the way, Happy Birthday, Howard.
Opening Soon! Switching Gears Cyclery
There’s a new bike shop coming to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. It’s called Switching Gears Cyclery. If you’ve been on any of the 75208 or BFOC rides, you might have met local bike enthusiasts Colin Clark or Andee Pittman. Colin and Andee have decided to join the ranks of other great Dallas bike shops like Oak…
I’m impressed with all the random art that I come across while riding around town. I’m inspired to host a sculpture group ride around town. Stay tuned this spring for details.
Speak Up Richardson Cyclists
We’re having a lot of fun with the Bike Friendly Richardson blog, and we’ve gotten a few good suggestions and comments along the way. One of our goals with BFR, especially this year, was to bring in more voices for Richardson bicycling. If you have something to say about biking in Richardson (or any of…
Happy New Year 2011 From Suburban Assault
We just wanted to say Happy New Year! We hope 2011 is a great one for you.
Happy Birthday Bike Friendly Richardson
One year ago, we officially launched as Bike Friendly Richardson, taking inspiration and guidance from our friends over at Bike Friendly Oak Cliff. We were the first of many offshoots to a great idea – to promote the creation of better cycling facilities and improved infrastructure throughout DFW – with a focus on the average commuter,…
DFW Bike Shops Recognized By Size
I stumbled across this while reading the Bike Monkey blog this morning. It was syndicated from the Bicycle Retailer site. Apparently our local bike shops are recognized because we “Build Them Big in Dallas.” Click here to read about their tour of DFW bike shops (day 1). Although I love these shops, I’d love to see…
You Should Ride To The Cottonwood Art Festival
It’s the last day of the Cottonwood Art Festival and a PERFECT day to ride to it. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the time to commit to another Cruise To The Cottonwood Art Festival ride this time around. That shouldn’t stop you. Considering how horrible the parking situation is, riding a bike seems to make the…
Richardson Rider Commutes To Work
I love reading stories about Richardson folks commuting to work. It’s good to know that the bike friendly efforts of our city are being utilized by its residents. Bob, a guest writer for BFR, has an amazing blog about sustainability while living in the suburbs called Suburban Shift. Suburban Shift covers stuff like organic gardening,…
Find Bike Friendly Richardson Everywhere
We’ve got a few new readers here on the blog, and traffic is way up from last year. If you want to extend your Bike Friendly Richardson experience, please feel free to add us to your RSS reader, or subscribe via email (link to the right). You can also join our Facebook group, follow us…