Wheels That Heal: A Bike Benefit for Liberty Kat

A fellow cyclist has fallen and needs your help. From their Facebook page:

We are working on a fundraiser for our fellow cyclist Misty “Liberty Kat” who was seriously injured on a group ride recently. She sustained broken bones and even a fracture in her neck among other things–she was wearing a helmet or the damage might have been worse. We’re happy to report that Liberty is out of the ICU where she was Care Flighted and she seems to be recovering quite well with the help all of your positive thoughts and well wishes.

The fundraiser is January 29th at the AMAZING Fitzgerald Loft at 2814 Canton in Deep Ellum. We are SO LUCKY to have generous people like Sean & Karen Kohler Fitzgerald in our community, so please make sure you thank them for their hospitality when you meet them 🙂

Your donation of $10 at the door gets live entertainment and FREE BEER which is being donated by the kind folks at Franconia Brewery!

Raffle tickets will be sold for our long list of AWESOME prizes (see comments section for details). Prize values are $20-$600!

If you own a business or have connections to anyone who may be interested in donating cash or items for raffle/auction at the event, please contact either Toni Youngblood or Susan Reeves ASAP.


Every little bit counts – even $5 or $10. These donations my not pay for all of her bills, but will help her get back on her feet.

Date: Sunday, January 29, 2012
Time: 1:00pm until 6:00pm
Location: Fitzgerald Loft at 2814 Canton in Deep Ellum
Cover: $10 Donation at the door (FREE beer) – Raffle tickets will also be sold.