Bike Friendly Richardson

Richardson Rider Commutes To Work

Posted in BFR Misc, Rider Perspective by dickdavid on September 30, 2010

Image From Suburban Shift

I love reading stories about Richardson folks commuting to work. It’s good to know that the bike friendly efforts of our city are being utilized by its residents.

Bob, a guest writer for BFR, has an amazing blog about sustainability while living in the suburbs called Suburban Shift.

Suburban Shift covers stuff like organic gardening, bike commuting, home energy efficiency, alternative transportation, alternative energy, minimalism, simplicity, recycling and personal finance. It inspires me to become more responsible with my life and the world I live in – even from my little corner.

Today, Bob wrote about returning to his bike commute routine. Here’s a snippet from his post that made me smile:

That’s right folks. North Dallas Suburbs are making bicycle progress, and I’m tremendously proud that my town of Richardson is really leading the way. The bike trail system in Richardson will be one of the city’s nicest and most useful amentities. Read more.

As you can see, Bob is also a big fan of what’s going on with Richardson biking. We love the city’s momentum and want to see it continue – making Richardson a truly bike friendly city.

If you have a bike commute story to tell, please contact us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you and share it with other riders.