Under Construction-Two Bike Trails Under Central Expressway

You may have heard (or at least seen in the City Of Richardson’s Master Bike Route Plan pdf) that Richardson is planning a route under Central Expressway (US-75) that will connect Spring Creek Trail (on the east side) to the trail on Renner (on the west side). This route will go under Central at the creek between Renner and Glenville. This is a much needed addition to the Richardson trail system giving pedestrians and riders a safe passage to either side of the highway.

I had noticed that construction has begun, so I stopped by the site to take some pics to share. Please refer to the map at the bottom of this post to see exactly where each pic was taken.

PIC – A (taken on the east side, south of the creek)
PIC – B (taken on the east side, facing west)
PIC – C (taken on the east side, facing west)
PIC – D (taken from the west side, facing east)

ALSO, while I was going around taking these pics, I had noticed another section to the Richardson trail system was under construction. Starting at the end of the Spring Creek Trail (at the southeast corner of Renner and Central) there is new construction for a trail that heads north, under Renner and hooks west towards Central Expressway. After the trail hooks west, it goes under a different part of Central Expressway (between Renner and the PGB Tollway). With some investigation I discovered that it was the connecting route to the trail that Bob discussed in this post. This will be a nice trail connection to Plano and their network of trails.

I took some pics. Again, please refer to the map below to see where the shots were taken.

PIC – F (taken from Renner, facing north)
PIC – G (taken from the west side, facing east)
PIC – H (taken from the west side, facing west)

Here is the map. Please click on it to enlarge.