Author: bfradmin
Spring Creek Trail Looks Worse Than I Thought
Last week the City of Richardson announced that they would be closing off portions of the Spring Creek Trail for repairs. Since I typically ride the west section, from the Routh Creek Parkway ramp to the Central Expressway underpasses, I didn’t know the extent of the wear and tear on the trail. I took a…
Richardson Voted To Be The Most Bike Friendly Neighborhood
Bike Friendly Oak Cliff has announced their “Best Of” for bicycling in 2011. The city of Richardson has made it on their list for “Most Bike Friendly Neighborhood.” It’s nice to get recognized for something we already knew: Richardson is a bike friendly area. With 11 miles of bike lanes and 24 miles of multi-purpose…
Doing My Rounds
Sometimes I find myself in a rut, taking the same rides around town, heading to the same destinations. I like that this routine has helped me become more confident on the road, simply by being familiar with the surroundings and conditions of those routes. However, I don’t like that this routine has made unenthusiastic, even bored,…
2 Mile Radius
By Jenny Rilling Richard’s post over at Suburban Assault of the League of American Bicyclists “Bicycling and Health” infographic reminded me to share a handy map radius tool that I sometimes use for work. As the infographic says, 70% of American’s car trips are under two miles. Many times, these 2 mile and under car…
Way To Go, Plano!
I saw this NBC video on Facebook, talking about the city’s new bicycle signs. Click below to see the news report.
City of Richardson Receives “Safe Routes to School” Funding Grant
Again, if you get the City’s newsletter, you’ve probably already seen this: The City of Richardson has been awarded federal funding through a Safe Routes to School grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for two schools in Richardson: Richland Elementary and Yale Elementary. At Monday’s work session, the City Council was briefed by…
City Receives Award from GDPC for Urban Design
If you get the City’s newsletter you probably already knew this: This week, the Greater Dallas Planning Council presented an award for urban design in the built environment to the City of Richardson for the City’s commitment to good urban design. Urban design relates to the form, arrangement, design and functionality of buildings, neighborhoods and…
Richardson Police Department Bike Patrol – On The Job
You know you live in a bike friendly city when the police department has a bike patrol. These guys were keeping spectators and attendees safe during last weekend’s annual Christmas parade. Now all we need is postal delivery and meter readers done via bike.
Final DFW Cycling Savvy Class for 2011 – This Weekend
If you want to be a better road cyclist and commuter, getting some good training is always recommended. Along with the BikeDFW Traffic Skills 101 classes, you have an alternative option for becoming more skilled at riding – through the CyclingSavvy DFW group. CyclingSavvy DFW is the Dallas/Fort Worth branch of the successful CyclingSavvy traffic cycling education program developed in…
Coming February 1-3, 2012 – Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference
We met some of the Bike Texas folks at BFOC‘s Bicycle Fair last October and they were promoting an event that they helped organize in San Antonio next year. It’s the biennial Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference, aka the Texas Bike/Ped Summit. Here is the info from their site: Register Now! The biennial Texas Trails and Active…