Category: Bike Friendly
Bike-Friendly Richardson Event: City’s Lunar New Year Celebration February 8th 2025
Join us this Saturday, February 8, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., to celebrate the Lunar New Year and Richardson’s rich cultural diversity at the City’s Lunar New Year festival. The event will take place in The CORE District’s Chinatown neighborhood at 400 N. Greenville Ave. Co-presented by the Dallas Chinese Community Center, the festival…
League of American Bicyclists Presents Richardson With Our Bronze BFC Certification
It was one thing to be honored with becoming the 5th city in Texas, and the first city in north Texas, to be recognized as a Bike Friendly Community. It was even better to actually have a League of American Bicyclists Board Member present us our certification, in person. Gail Spann, one of the most active…
Richardson Texas Gets Recognized As A Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community
Today, the League of American Bicyclists recognized Richardson, Texas with a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community (BFCSM) award, joining 350 visionary communities from across the country. With the announcement of 42 new and renewing BFCs today, Richardson joins a leading group of communities, in all 50 states, that are transforming our neighborhoods. “We applaud this new round of communities for investing in a…
Richardson City Staff Presents Bike Plan To City Council
On Monday, April 20, 2015 Richardson City Staff presented their Bike Plan to Richardson City Council. The presentation was a combination recap of what they’ve done, as well as their next steps. It was nice to see how important bicycling is to our city officials and how they continue to see the value of what it brings to our…
Our First Trail Cleanup Day Was A Success
Richardson continues to impress us with their network of great bike and pedestrian access routes throughout the city. As part of that, we have some really nice multi-purpose trails. However, over time and through excessive usage, they have’ve gotten covered in litter, animal waste and broken glass. Instead of complaining about the mess, Bike Friendly Richardson decided to…
Happy (Late) 5th Birthday, Bike Friendly Richardson
When we started Bike Friendly Richardson, in December 2009, our original goal was to follow in the footsteps of Bike Friendly Oak Cliff. Although our core beliefs are still the same, over the last 5 years, our focus has evolved to better fit the needs of the cycling community in Richardson. We are a group of…
City of Richardson Bike Parking Initiative
Increased bike parking has always been one of the goals of Bike Friendly Richardson. More bike parking provides incentive for folks to ride their bikes to local destinations, like parks, libraries and local businesses. We have a great city to ride, and now it’s time to work harder on our destinations. Recently, we were asked…
Richardson Gets Safe Routes To School
A few years back, Ricahardson was awarded federal funding through a Safe Routes to School grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for two schools in Richardson: Richland Elementary and Yale Elementary. It’s finally getting implemented and is scheduled to be complete next month. According to the SRTS plan (pdf), we will be getting: •…
New Pics Of The Central Trail Construction – Buckingham To Spring Valley
The Central Trail, southern extension – from Buckingham to Arapaho – is coming along nicely. The Central Trail goes north and south along the DART rail line which runs through Richardson. It will eventually connect Richardson, Plano and other suburban communities to the various parts of Dallas. We’ve already posted pics of the ‘northern’ end…
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema In Richardson Comes With Cool Bike Parking
The highly anticipated Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Richardson is finally open for business. Not only has this become one of the hottest destinations in town, it also has an amazing lineup of bike racks that are in the shape of film reels. Speaking of cool bike parking, the new Whole Foods in Addison has some very impressive bike…