Author: bfradmin
I’m impressed with all the random art that I come across while riding around town. I’m inspired to host a sculpture group ride around town. Stay tuned this spring for details.
What Is Wrong With People?
I saw this on the Owens trail passing through the Yale Park neighborhood. Looks like somebody had some fun doing some doughnuts on the greenbelt around the trail. It’s sad to see when public space, used to make our city better, gets vandalized like this. I hope nobody was riding or walking on this trail…
Speak Up Richardson Cyclists
We’re having a lot of fun with the Bike Friendly Richardson blog, and we’ve gotten a few good suggestions and comments along the way. One of our goals with BFR, especially this year, was to bring in more voices for Richardson bicycling. If you have something to say about biking in Richardson (or any of…
Happy New Year 2011 From Suburban Assault
We just wanted to say Happy New Year! We hope 2011 is a great one for you.
We’d Like To Address A Small Gap In The Central Trail Plan
We are very fortunate to have such an aggressive Bike and Pedestrian Plan in Richardson. The city planners are doing a great job retrofitting some new trails and bike lanes into an older, built-out infrastructure. In that plan is the Central Trail, which will provide passage through Richardson. When completed, it will run through the…
Happy Birthday Bike Friendly Richardson
One year ago, we officially launched as Bike Friendly Richardson, taking inspiration and guidance from our friends over at Bike Friendly Oak Cliff. We were the first of many offshoots to a great idea – to promote the creation of better cycling facilities and improved infrastructure throughout DFW – with a focus on the average commuter,…
Central Underpass – Progress On The West Side
There is a bit more progress on the Spring Creek Trail / Renner Trail connection at the Central Expressway (US-75) underpass. This time there is progress on the west side of Central, extending the Renner Trail from where it dead ends at the QMAC building – to the upcoming under-highway connection. Here is a quick…
Pics From Black Friday Ride 2
It was a perfect day to ride. The temperature stayed in the mid 50s, the sun was shining and the wind was somewhat minimal. Twenty-one cyclists ranging in all skill levels, wearing everything from denim to lycra took part in the second Black Friday Ride. We had riders from all over DFW – including Richardson,…
Thanks For Coming Out To The Black Friday Ride
Thanks to everybody who made it out to the second Black Friday Ride. It was really nice seeing some good friends and meeting new ones. We’ll give you an update with more pics tomorrow.
Black Friday Ride Route Map
Tomorrow is looking to be a nice day for the Black Friday Ride. It’ll be sunny and cool so you probably won’t even break a sweat. As a special treat, we’re working with Tripledub Images to help us capture the face of the Richardson (and Dallas) bike community. At one of our stops, Wendy will…