Author: bfradmin
It’s Back! BFOC’s Cyclesomatic
Our friends and the founders of the DFW Bike Friendly movement, Bike Friendly Oak Cliff, are having their second Cyclesomatic event. This year they’re packing all of the bike love into four days – October 14 – 17. Click over to the site to get more details. They are also hosting another Dallas Bikes To…
More Trail Progress – Towards The Central Underpass
There is a bit more progress on the Spring Creek Trail extension that leads to one of the Central Expressway underpasses. In case you aren’t sure where this is, it branches off from the Spring Creek Trail rest area, at the southeast corner of Central and Renner Road. Here’s a shot from further down the…
Find Bike Friendly Richardson Everywhere
We’ve got a few new readers here on the blog, and traffic is way up from last year. If you want to extend your Bike Friendly Richardson experience, please feel free to add us to your RSS reader, or subscribe via email (link to the right). You can also join our Facebook group, follow us…
Red Dirt Ride Still Needs Another Support Vehicle
There is a group of riders who are riding from Dallas to the Winstar Casino just over the Oklahoma border on Saturday, September 25 and back on Sunday, September 26. They’re calling their event the Red Dirt Ride. It’s an open event for anybody wanting to join the ride. They also need another support vehicle…
October 2010 Ride Events In DFW
With the weather cooling off, it’s time to see more group rides around town. October is starting to look pretty busy. Friday, October 1, 2010 – Biking In Dallas presents: The Great State Fair of Texas Group Ride Saturday, October 2, 2010 – Bike Friendly Arlington presents: Field Day October 14-17, 2010 – Bike Friendly…
Richardson Biking Gets Mentioned In This Week’s NeighborsGo
If you happen to be in the north Dallas/Richardson area this week, pick up a copy of the Dallas Morning New’s NeighborsGo. BFR and Richardson cycling gets a mention on page 7. Click HERE to see the online version of the article. Pictured in the article are Chris Curnutt with Biking In Dallas, me and…
Glenville Trail Bridge Complete
We’ve been keeping a close eye on the construction of the new Glenville Trail, where this phase connects from Bowser to the Duck Creek Trail. There were only a few parts that were incomplete, including a small bridge that connects it to the Duck Creek trail. Today, we discovered that the bridge is now complete,…
Don’t Forget To Pick Up A Sunday Dallas Paper
Today’s Dallas Morning News has two great articles that are a must read for local cyclists. The cover page has an interesting article about the 2011 Dallas Bike Plan. The Business section has a great article about Villy Customs. If you don’t usually get the paper, you may want to swing down to your local…
2011 Dallas Bike Plan Public Meeting
We’re spreading the word for our neighbors – just in case you haven’t read about this on another local blog. From their poster: What: Dallas Bike Plan Public Meeting Description: To review facilities proposed in the Draft Network Plan Where: Dallas City Hall L1FN Conference Center (located at the NW corner of City Hall on…
Stop The Bike Bans In Texas
No matter what type of rider you are or where you ride, it’s inevitable that you will need to take a road in Texas. Because of recent changes to city ordinances in Bartonville which restricts the number of cyclists passing through their area, Bike Texas has put together a petition to stop any more bike…