Author: bfradmin
East Dallas Veloway – Connecting Richardson To East And Downtown Dallas
Last night I stopped off at the public meeting that discussed the new East Dallas Veloway Master Plan. There was a lot of detail discussed and I couldn’t catch all the specifics about phases and timing. So, I’ll just give you some of the top-line information. More details will come as we get them. THE…
DON’T FORGET Veloway Public Meeting – Tonight
IF bicycle movies aren’t your cup of tea and you happen to be curious about the East Dallas Veloway Master Plan, don’t forget about the public meeting tonight: Veloway Trail Phase 3 and YMCA, Public Meeting/Workshop is scheduled: Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: The Ridgewood-Belcher Recreation Center, 6818 Fisher Road at Trammel…
BFOC’s Jason Roberts In The Latest Issue Of Bicycle Times
I was flipping through my new issue of Bicycle Times Magazine and ran across an interesting article about advocacy, written by Bruce Ebert. The article talks about some of the efforts for change in automobile heavy, suburban sprawl type cities like Dallas. Bike Friendly Oak Cliff gets mentioned and Jason Roberts gets quoted. I won’t go too…
New Guard Rail
I’ve made it my mission to do weekly checkups on the new trail construction by Spring Creek Park (at Central and Renner Road). Every week, there’s a new surprise addition that gets us closer to having a bike friendly passage under Central Expressway, safely joining east and west Richardson. This week, they added guard rails…
More Trail Progress
It’s amazing what could happen in a week. They had the forms set up last weekend for the addition to the trail at Renner Road and Central. This week we have about 70-80 yards of hike and bike trail, leading us closer to the pass under Central. Check back and we’ll keep you posted with…
White Rock Local Market – Creating Destinations In Dallas
We’re sorry to keep harping on the subject of a local market, but we feel that this and other great destinations throughout the city will help build a stronger bike community. Read more here and here. A GREAT example of this is the White Rock Local Market. From their site: “Local food, local goods and…
Veloway Public Meeting
Our friends from Bike Friendly North Dallas shared some information with the Bike Friendly group: Veloway Trail Phase 3 and YMCA, Public Meeting/Workshop is scheduled: Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: The Ridgewood-Belcher Recreation Center, 6818 Fisher Road at Trammel Drive The purpose of this meeting is to present “East Dallas Veloway Master Plan”…
Urban Velo Helps You Get Organized For Events
We always love reading Urban Velo magazine, and this month’s issue (20) was found to be even more useful to us. They’ve published a really informative article sharing “9 Tips For A Successful Bike Event.” Having organized and stressed over a few events for BFR, we can totally relate. We will definitely use this information…
Cycle Super Highways In London
Saw this on the Cooper Bikes blog and was pretty impressed with their efforts. [youtube=]
Trail Construction Update Pics
Every time I ride by the new trail construction it doesn’t look like much is happening. I decided to take a closer look and actually discovered more progress down the trail. Here’s a pic of one of the new trails that leads to the southern of the two passages under Central Expressway. Here, you can…