Author: bfradmin

  • I love A Good Trade

    Ever since I had buttons and stickers produced, folks from all over the world have been wanting some. It didn’t start out this way, but some people have sent stuff in return for their BFR swag. From San Francisco, my friend Melgrosa sent me this nice, custom-made holiday card: From North Shore (Aukland, New Zealand), my…

  • Under Construction-Two Bike Trails Under Central Expressway

    You may have heard (or at least seen in the City Of Richardson’s Master Bike Route Plan pdf) that Richardson is planning a route under Central Expressway (US-75) that will connect Spring Creek Trail (on the east side) to the trail on Renner (on the west side). This route will go under Central at the creek…

  • Alliance For Biking And Walking – 2010 Benchmark Report

    I just picked this up from the BikeTexas site. Looks like it will be interesting information – once I get a moment to sit down and read it. From a quick flip through, looks like Dallas and Texas are included, but Richardson isn’t. As you may have guessed, it appears as if north Texas didn’t…

  • Bike Friendly Fort Worth – It Had To Happen Eventually

    And the family grows even more. More details to come, but for now, check out their Facebook page.

  • BFR In This Month’s Richardson Today

    If you locals reach into your mailbox this week and find your issue of Richardson Today, be sure to check out a little mention of Bike Friendly Richardson in the “Special Interest Groups” section. I was meaning to contact them to have this done, but it looks like somebody else took care of it. Click…

  • From The Suggestion Box – We Need Traffic Signals That Detect Bicycles

    A few weeks ago, I opened up the BFR Suggestion Box. This is a place where the Richardson bike community can voice their opinions and suggestions about things they would like to happen in Richardson for cycling. One of the first suggestions given to me on the Facebook group has been repeated on this blog…

  • Suggestion Box

    I’ve been getting quite a few good ideas on Facebook and through email (bikefriendlyrichardson at gmail dot com) about things we can do for bicycling and bicyclist in Richardson. There are also a few great links that were shared as well. It’s my goal to get some of those things posted over here to share…

  • Quick Report on the City Of Richardson Parks and Open Space Meeting

    In spite of having a scheduling conflict, I decided to swing by the City of Richardson’s Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan: Draft Plan & Public Response meeting last night. The meeting was lead by Michael Massey, Director of Parks and Recreation. Together with Mark Spencer with MHS Planning, they discussed the results of…

  • Notes From The BikeDFW Meeting

    Last Sunday, BikeDFW had a general meeting with special guest speaker Peter Lagerwey, Senior Transportation Planner for the Toole Design Group and former Bicycle Coordinator for Seattle, who discussed ways to provide effective input on regional bicycle and transportation planning. Our friend, Sean Cortez-Mathis attended the meeting and shared some really great notes with the…

  • Wanted: Non-Sport Bicycle Advocacy Leader

    I’ll be doing a write-up about the inaugural ride later. But first, I thought I would put forth a request to the Richardson bicycling public. I have been called out by a person named pista on the DORBA bicycle blog that I am not qualified to lead this group of bicycle advocacy for non-sport cycling…