Category: Bike Friendly
Bike Friendly Oak Cliff Brings You Cyclesomatic 2011 – This October
Bike Friendly Oak Cliff is hosting it’s third annual Cyclesomatic Event next month. They’ll be celebrating with many bike events including, Tour to the Lake Ride, Bike the Oak Cliff Home Tour, iBike Rosemont Week, Bike to City Hall, Blues Bandits & BBQ featuring a Cyclesomatic Bicycle Fair, Trinity Trails Bike and Run, Cyclecross Race, Bicycle…
NEW BFR Partner – Chiloso Mexican Bistro
I don’t know about you, but we really love a great breakfast taco. Until now, there haven’t been very many options available around town. We’d like to introduce Bike Friendly Richardson’s newest partner, Chiloso Mexican Bistro. They are a build-your-own taco restaurant that specializes in “Austin-Style” breakfast tacos. But that’s not all they offer –…
Happy Birthday Bike Friendly Richardson
One year ago, we officially launched as Bike Friendly Richardson, taking inspiration and guidance from our friends over at Bike Friendly Oak Cliff. We were the first of many offshoots to a great idea – to promote the creation of better cycling facilities and improved infrastructure throughout DFW – with a focus on the average commuter,…
Here We Grow Again – Please Welcome Bike Friendly Deep Ellum
Please welcome the newest member to the Bike Friendly DFW family, Bike Friendly Deep Ellum. We’re not sure if they’ve gone public yet, but we are following each other on Twitter. You should follow them too. We hope to see some great group rides from down there.
It’s Back! BFOC’s Cyclesomatic
Our friends and the founders of the DFW Bike Friendly movement, Bike Friendly Oak Cliff, are having their second Cyclesomatic event. This year they’re packing all of the bike love into four days – October 14 – 17. Click over to the site to get more details. They are also hosting another Dallas Bikes To…
Richardson Biking Gets Mentioned In This Week’s NeighborsGo
If you happen to be in the north Dallas/Richardson area this week, pick up a copy of the Dallas Morning New’s NeighborsGo. BFR and Richardson cycling gets a mention on page 7. Click HERE to see the online version of the article. Pictured in the article are Chris Curnutt with Biking In Dallas, me and…
2011 Dallas Bike Plan Public Meeting
We’re spreading the word for our neighbors – just in case you haven’t read about this on another local blog. From their poster: What: Dallas Bike Plan Public Meeting Description: To review facilities proposed in the Draft Network Plan Where: Dallas City Hall L1FN Conference Center (located at the NW corner of City Hall on…
East Dallas Veloway – Connecting Richardson To East And Downtown Dallas
Last night I stopped off at the public meeting that discussed the new East Dallas Veloway Master Plan. There was a lot of detail discussed and I couldn’t catch all the specifics about phases and timing. So, I’ll just give you some of the top-line information. More details will come as we get them. THE…
DON’T FORGET Veloway Public Meeting – Tonight
IF bicycle movies aren’t your cup of tea and you happen to be curious about the East Dallas Veloway Master Plan, don’t forget about the public meeting tonight: Veloway Trail Phase 3 and YMCA, Public Meeting/Workshop is scheduled: Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: The Ridgewood-Belcher Recreation Center, 6818 Fisher Road at Trammel…
BFOC’s Jason Roberts In The Latest Issue Of Bicycle Times
I was flipping through my new issue of Bicycle Times Magazine and ran across an interesting article about advocacy, written by Bruce Ebert. The article talks about some of the efforts for change in automobile heavy, suburban sprawl type cities like Dallas. Bike Friendly Oak Cliff gets mentioned and Jason Roberts gets quoted. I won’t go too…