Category: City Stuff
City Receives Award from GDPC for Urban Design
If you get the City’s newsletter you probably already knew this: This week, the Greater Dallas Planning Council presented an award for urban design in the built environment to the City of Richardson for the City’s commitment to good urban design. Urban design relates to the form, arrangement, design and functionality of buildings, neighborhoods and…
Richardson Police Department Bike Patrol – On The Job
You know you live in a bike friendly city when the police department has a bike patrol. These guys were keeping spectators and attendees safe during last weekend’s annual Christmas parade. Now all we need is postal delivery and meter readers done via bike.
Spring Creek Trail Extension Officially Open
If you’ve been following us for the past couple of years, we kept you updated on the progress of extensions of the Spring Creek Trail. These new extensions provide safe passages under Central Expressway and Renner Road. This past Thursday was the ribbon cutting that officially opened the trail extension. From the city newsletter: City…
Trail Under Renner Road Is Complete
The trail under Renner Road is finally complete (although not officially opened). Check out the video from the north side to the south: [youtube=]
Trail Under Renner Progress – Forms Are Up, Cement Is Being Poured
It’s been a couple of weeks since our last progress report. The city is finally getting close to completing the trail under Renner Road. All of the forms are up and they’ve started pouring the concrete on the north side. What’s interesting about this part of the process, compared to when they worked on the…
A little more about those Near Term Action Items
Last week, the Richardson City Council didn’t really dicuss any particular item on the list of Near Term Action Items. However, it looks like this Monday, the Council will most likeley vote to adopt the list of action items they’ve been working to identify and rank. Cycling is specifically mentioned under item L., Transportation and…
Major Progress With The Trail Under Renner Road
It’s been a few weeks since we reported on the Spring Creek Trail construction under Renner Road. When we checked on Labor Day, they had started to back-fill the area inside of the retaining wall. But, last week, it actually looked like some of that was dug back up. This week, however, the underpass looks…
Accommodating cyclists is a Near Term Action Item of the Richardson City Council
I’m signed up for the Week In Review email sent out by the city of Richardson every Friday. From the September 16th email: “City Council Discusses Near Term Action Items The Richardson City Council continued discussion on its 2011-2013 Near Term Action Items at its meeting Monday night. The Council reviewed the latest revisions and…
They’re Closing The Gap Between Preston Ridge Trail and Cottonwood Trail
If you’ve ever tried to ride the Preston Ridge Trail from Richardson, Plano or even north Dallas into downtown Dallas, you might of found it a bit difficult. Sure it’s a good trail that leads towards downtown, but it falls short on Coit Road, between Belt Line Road and Spring Valley Road. The closest connections…
More Renner Road Underpass Progress
It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve checked on the progress of the Renner Road trail underpass. We were quite surprised to see so much progress in such a short amount of time. Now that the retaining wall is going up, we’re starting to get a better idea of how this trail is going…