Cool Richardson Destinations – Fuzzy’s Taco Shop

After my first posting of Cool Richardson Destinations, a few of you had commented with your favorite destinations – some of which were on my list as well. I’ll continue to document some of those locations as I make my way around town.

Fuzzy's Tacos

Yesterday’s destination was Fuzzy’s Taco Shop. Setting up camp in the old Braum’s building on Campbell Road at Nantucket Drive, Fuzzy’s is an interesting little restaurant that offers up some tasty tacos for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Fuzzy's Taco Patio

It Tastes Much Better Than It Looks

Aside from their really great food, I like the fact that they have a funky atmosphere that doesn’t feel like a typical suburban restaurant. With a college-like feel, the taco shop looks like it should be set in Austin or College Station. Richardson needs more places like this, where old buildings get reclaimed as eclectic and interesting destinations.

A great example of that would be our newest partner, Taco Ocho. Their restaurant is in a reclaimed office park, that seemed empty for years – but recently converted into a nice retail destination.