Happy (Late) 5th Birthday, Bike Friendly Richardson

Jenny and Henry

When we started Bike Friendly Richardson, in December 2009, our original goal was to follow in the footsteps of Bike Friendly Oak Cliff. Although our core beliefs are still the same, over the last 5 years, our focus has evolved to better fit the needs of the cycling community in Richardson.

We are a group of bicycle advocates promoting the continued creation of better cycling facilities and improved infrastructure in Richardson. Our main focus is on education and increasing the ridership of those wanting to ride for transportation and pleasure over sport.

Our mission:
• Increase bicycle ridership
• Increase bicycle education
• Increase bicycle awareness
• Increase bicycle safety

Our concentration will always be with Richardson cycling, but we share our advocacy with all of our DFW neighbors.

We’ve accomplished many things over the years, but there are many more goals coming in 2015:

• Working with the City of Richardson to get Bike Friendly recognition from the League of American Bicyclists
• Working with the City of Richardson to get better bike parking and bike parking policy
• Working with the City of Richardson to get a safe passing ordinance passed
• Working with BikeDFW to bring more education courses to local riders
• We will strive to host and/or promote more social events and rides